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Residential Entry Doors: Choosing The Best Replacement Door For Your Home

The front door to your home serves so many different purposes. Not only does this door protect you and your home's interior from the outside elements, but it also serves as your first defense against intruders and can have a huge impact on the overall appearance of your home. This is why it is so important to choose wisely when selecting a replacement door for your home. Below you will learn a bit more about the different types of entry doors on the market so that you can choose the one that best meets your needs.

Steel Replacement Doors

Steel replacement doors are extremely popular especially among homeowners who are looking for a lower-cost option. In most cases, these doors will represent the cheapest option the market has to offer. In addition to being cost-effective, a low gauge steel door can be very strong and provide great protection against intruders.

When choosing a steel door, it is important to ensure you are getting a high-quality door as many thinner steel doors can easily dent and may not provide the level of security you were hoping for. These doors are also known for becoming extremely cold to the touch during the winter and extremely hot during the summer especially when exposed to direct sunlight for long periods of time. 

Fiberglass Replacement Doors

Fiberglass entry doors often represent the middle ground when it comes to price. They also aim to offer the best of both worlds by providing the strength and security of a high-quality steel door and the aesthetic appeal of a wood door. With relatively low maintenance requirements, it is really no wonder that fiberglass doors are quickly becoming increasingly popular despite the fact that they are the newest of the three main options the market has to offer. 

Wood Replacement Doors

Wood replacement doors represent the high end of the spectrum when it comes to the price of residential entry doors. However, for many homeowners, this cost is well worth it as wood doors also offer great insulation ratings and a universal appeal that looks great on a wide variety of architectural styles. 

In addition to the cost of wood doors, it is important to note that these doors can require significantly more maintenance compared to steel and fiberglass doors since the wood will need to be resealed over the years in order to protect against moisture damage and swelling. 

No matter what type of building materials you ultimately choose to use, your door will not be able to function properly or provide all of the desired benefits unless it is installed correctly using high-quality hardware. This is why you should always work closely with a reputable contractor in your area when purchasing and installing replacement doors in your home. 

Contact a local contractor to learn more about your options for replacement doors.
