Nail Holes And Small Cracks In Siding? Here's What You Can Do

Your vinyl siding installation is a highly durable material designed to withstand a variety of abuse and mistreatment. However, small cracks and nail holes can still make an appearance in your vinyl siding over time. Although replacing small sections of vinyl siding is possible, nail holes and small cracks don't require such a dramatic repair. These tips will help you make small repairs to tiny breakages that don't warrant replacement of an entire vinyl section. [Read More]

3 Tips For Choosing The Right Drapes

Choosing the right drapes for your home can be a challenge because of the large number of options that are available, as well as because it can be really difficult to get everything about the drapes, from the length to the color, perfect. Here are some tips for finding the perfect drapes for your home. 1. Know What You Want Your Drapes to Do If you want your drapes to provides some privacy, then you are going to want to make sure that you choose a darker color, such as purple, navy, or forest green. [Read More]

Use Wall And Window Wraps As A Passive Marketing Tool

If you are a small business owner, there are a lot of things that you have to do to keep your business running. One of the most important things you have to do is marketing. Without marketing, no one is going to know about your business. There are many things you can do to help raise the public's awareness level of your business. They include things like mass mailings, social networking sites and blog posts. [Read More]

How To Pick The Best New Windows For Your Climate

Many things have changed over the last several decades, and the improvement of window manufacturing is certainly worthy of note. No longer do windows differ only by appearance. In fact, your monthly energy bills could improve significantly, depending on which windows you buy for your home. This guide will help you select the windows that are best suited for your home and the climate it's situated in. Understanding Efficiency Ratings [Read More]