Methods to Help You Boost Your Home's Energy Efficiency

Keeping your home energy efficient during summer and winter is important to keeping you and your family comfortable and reducing your home's energy bill. Here are some tips and methods you can use in and around your home to help maximize the energy efficiency of your home. Upgrade Your Home's Windows An average home can lose a great deal of its energy through leaking windows, as your windows can actually lose more heat during winter and gain more heat during summer than any other surface in your home. [Read More]

Have Picture Windows? 3 Reasons Why Window Tinting Is Perfect For Them

Homes with large picture windows are great because they allow you to really take in the view from your home. Although large picture windows provide you with a great view, they have some drawbacks as well, such as the generation of extra heat and a lack of privacy. Window tinting is perfect for large picture windows because it addresses the drawbacks of picture window while still allowing you to enjoy your beautiful view. [Read More]

To Bay Or Not To Bay: That Is The Question

If you're considering installing new windows in your home, you might be wondering about the possibility of upgrading some of them. One of the things you may have considered is the potential for installing bay windows. If you've been on the fence about it and unable to decide, it can be helpful to consider some of the pros and cons. This article will do just that to help you determine if a bay window is the right option for your home. [Read More]

Vinyl Is A Perfect Material For Siding

Adding siding to your home is a smart remodel. When compared to just repainting or staining your existing sidewalls, new vinyl siding has a dramatic impact on your home without breaking the bank. There are many different types of exterior siding that are commonly used in residential construction. Wood, aluminum, fiberglass, and fiber cement are all used as siding materials. However, vinyl is probably the most popular siding material when it comes mid-range residential upgrades. [Read More]