A Guide To Residential Window Tinting

Residential tinting is a cheap and accessible way to improve the efficiency of old windows. Most people think that window tinting is really only good for sunny climates. While tinted window films can help to greatly reduce the effect of sunrays, they can also be useful in cold climates. This article explains not only why window tinting is great for all climates, it also explains the differences between DIY kits and professional tinting services. [Read More]

Questions To Consider When Trying To Sell A House

Are you surprised that no one has shown an interest in buying your house after it was placed up for sale? Numerous things can prevent a house from being sold, and you might have to fix problems on the exterior and interior of your house. You must also consider how your house is being marketed to the public. There is the possibility that a sale hasn't been made because very few people are aware that the house is on the market. [Read More]

Protecting Your Property With Storm Shutters

If you live in an area where hurricanes or tornadoes occur on a regular basis, then you know how important it is to ensure you are prepared to protect your home against these natural disasters. Windows and glass doors are vulnerable to serious damage when exposed to high winds, so protecting these glass surfaces with storm shutters can be a beneficial way to keep your home intact. Here are three tips to keep in mind when using storm shutters to protect your property in the future. [Read More]

Methods to Help You Boost Your Home's Energy Efficiency

Keeping your home energy efficient during summer and winter is important to keeping you and your family comfortable and reducing your home's energy bill. Here are some tips and methods you can use in and around your home to help maximize the energy efficiency of your home. Upgrade Your Home's Windows An average home can lose a great deal of its energy through leaking windows, as your windows can actually lose more heat during winter and gain more heat during summer than any other surface in your home. [Read More]